SLM presents

The BASTILLE is a party event for filthy pigs to honour the artwork of Frank Webber. Since '91 SLM hosts this event for fans of BASTILLE to come together and play.

Bastille XXXV
4 + 5 April 2025 @ SLM Copenhagen

For the first time SLM Copenhagen will be hosting this event in cooperation with SLM Stockholm.

Strict dresscode
Rubber & Skinhead only. Show respect to the theme and other guests by wearing the proper dresscode. Wear heavy boots, rubber boots or waders. Sneakers, sports gear or military clothing are not part of the theme. View the gallery below for inspiration. If not properly dressed admission might be denied.
Shower is available but bring a towel.

Membership required.
Apply online
SLM membership in SE or NO or in any other ToE/ECMC club is also accepted.
E-mail: slm-cph(at)

Adress: Lavendelstræde 17, back building, ground floor

Also remember to join the club Bastilleparty @ to get in touch with other Bastille pigs. OINK! :@)

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Frank Webber a.k.a. BASTILLE
BASTILLE is a pseudonym for the late artist Frank Webber which he took from the name of the Paris Metro station.

Frank was born in Hackensack, New Jersey, on July 14 1929. After high school, he studied illustration at the Pratt Institute in NYC. He later moved to Paris on a scholarship to practice metal engraving at the studio of John Friedlander. In 1959 he started to work as an illustrator for French fashion magazines and a few years later, began to specialize in billboard illustrations for high-profile architectural projects.
His first homoerotic drawings were published under the name Bal in American physique magazines in the late 60's but he first came to prominence through his association with the Danish perve porn magazine Toy in the 80's. Several exhibitions in Amsterdam and New York as well as numerous publications by Revolt Press in Sweden, introduced his work to an enthusiastic audience.

Frank died in 1990 of leukemia. After his death, he quickly became an icon of many homo-cult-groups who had gotten pretty tired of the prudism-wave that dominated homo culture throughout the 80's. Parties in his name and radiating the atmosphere in the same way as his artwork were held in Stockholm, Copenhagen, Berlin, Paris...

The first Bastille party at SLM Stockholm took place back in 1991.

The Club
SLM Copenhagen
SLM Copenhagen is a leather, rubber and fetish club for gay and bisexual men and are managed, operated and manned totally on a voluntary basis. SLM Copenhagen is a non-profit association based on its members, for its members.

Club location
Lavendelstræde 17, back building, ground floor

Bastille RS [Recruites & Scientists]

An unique masterpiece inspired by the world of Bastille. This 3 hours DVD produced by Marc Martin at Pig Prod is a must have for all you genuine Bastille pigs out there!

Available now @ the Pig Prod webshop


SCHWEIN is a collective scent, a colour, a desire. SCHWEIN is a proposal for a walk along the footprints left by BASTILLE in gay erotic subculture. SCHWEIN is a book by Pig-Prod, supported by Didier Lestrade, Ad Schuring, Rudi Bleys, the creators of Recoil.557, Projet X, IEM and the Revolt Press archives in Stockholm. SCHWEIN is a rendez-vous, a collective action destined to reveal the universe of Bastille through each page.